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Join in on the melodic celebration of this Oklahoma original, singer/songwriter, Michael Ray Little, of Tulsa Town. Spider, as he is known to insiders (which includes just about anyone who's around him more than five minutes), displays a flair for a tune and the words that go with it like a summer breeze through the medium mountains of Green Country in eastern Oklahoma: subtle, soothing, but with a kick.



Got a woman who's blessed, left, or turned you 'round? Michael Ray Little has a tune for you. Not enough beer in the saloon to drown your dismal world view? Spider's music can help get you up dancing the sawdust out of your pants. Seen any giant, moon-walking aliens on the prairie lately? Well, Michael Ray Little has, and he'll be only to happy to tell you about it. If you aren't hooked yet, consider this: what other man you know can do the "Tighten Up" to a fare the well?

So deep in the region of blues, jazz, and suburban rock it needs to be called 'original' if you must come up with a niche', Michael Ray Little's music presents a thinking man's version of life, love, laughter, and loss. Turn an ear toward this poet of the plains for even a short time, and he will lift you up and have you smiling and shaking your head.

Stanley W. Beesley

Author of:
VIETNAM: The Heartland Remembers (University of Oklahoma Press)
Sweetwater, Oklahoma (University of Oklahoma Press

The Last Man To Hit .400 - A Love Story (Pegasus)

Prairie Tails (Xlibris)